Friday, February 16, 2024

Vintage Food Posters - World War I

A major part of the World War I effort involved the production and distribution of motivational posters by a variety of U.S. Federal agencies.

This post showcases a sampling of food-related vintage posters from the WWI era. The posters shown here are only a fraction of the many that were produced.

"Sow the Seeds of Victory! Plant and raise your own vegetables. Write to the National War Garden Commission- Washington, D.C., for free books on gardening, canning, and drying. "Every Garden a Munition Plant"

"Liberty Sowing the Seeds of Victory. Write for Free Books to National War Garden Commission, Washington, D.C. Charles Lathrop Pack, President. P.S. Ridsdale, Secretary."

"Food is Ammunition- Don't Waste It"

"Save Sugar by Using Best Louisiana Molasses and Sugar Cane Syrup."

"Eat more corn, oats, and rye products- fish and poultry- fruits, vegetables, and potatoes, Baked, Broiled, and Boiled Foods. Eat less wheat, wheat sugar and fats to save for the army and our allies."

"Patriots Use Corn Meal. It Cannot Be Shipped. It is Splendid Eating. It is Cheaper Than Wheat Flour. It Saves Wheat. Free Recipes Inside. Get Yours. U.S. Food Administration- New York Federal Food Board."

In addition to being works of art, these vintage posters provide insights into culinary trends of the period. They also illustrate how the U.S. government used media to communicate with citizens during World War I.